Today is just another day. It's funny though, I feel different. You ever have that time when you pray and ask God for something and then He delivers in such a way that you never imagined? Well, that has been me the past week or so. Every Sunday I go into my own "secret spot" and I have what I call "sacred grove" time. It's when I take all my problems, questions, gratitude, you name it, to the Lord. It's very therapeutic for me and my relationship with my Heavenly Father. This is not like any other of my prayers. It is much more in depth and has a lot to do with contemplation and meditation.
After I started doing this, I didn't see a huge difference in my relationship with God, I just kind of felt better in a way. Well this week, I feel like I saw each and every one of my prayers answered. It was incredible when I realized it. I was walking by the temple today when I realized that all of my prayers were answered in some way or another. It made me so happy. I sat there on the temple grounds and just gave thanks for all I was given. I feel so blessed.
As I sat there and gave thanks, I realized that the temple itself is this incredible symbol for me in my life. The temple is a way for me to remember the Savior and all that He has done for me. I'm so grateful for it in my life. What a miracle!