Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1st: The Miracle of Fire

January 1, 2014
I started off the year with one of my favorite people in the world- my nephew Tristan. He is 5 and loves everything to do with heroes. He is the living proof that man's best friend truly is a dog. My family has a dog named Roadie. He is a pit bull and very, very dumb. Don't worry, I will highlight his stupidity soon for you.
At midnight every year we celebrate by lighting the Christmas Tree on fire. This year was no exception. So, when we lit the tree it burst into flames. Tristan screamed with a tinge of fear and excitement. Roadie, our silly dog, has taken it upon himself to watch over Tristan and be his personal guard dog. It's cute really, however, it does have it's problems. This instance he was more of a problem.
Amidst the pillar of fire that once was our tree, Roadie jumped. The dog attacked the fire so that Tristan wouldn't be harmed. This, in turn, scared the poop out of my nephew. Turns out the dog was fine. Just a few singed whiskers. The dynamic duo that was Tristan and Roadie could continue. What a miracle!

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