I know guys, it has been a while. But I haven't given up on this yet. To be quite honest, I have been so busy with life that I haven't had time to sit down and write out all my miracles. There were however, many miracles that I can't even begin to describe. One of which involved me walking away from dumping a motorcycle with just a few scrapes. Another involved me learning a new skill (acro yoga) and not dying. I got to see and stay with my family for the summer while doing an internship at a studio. That was an amazing miracle. A lot has happened in a month. A lot has happened in a year.
I feel like I am finally beginning to really get out of the funk that I was in at the beginning of the year. I feel as though I am beginning to FEEL. But not just feel, feel good! I can't believe it. Even now, as I sit back and think about where I have been, I am amazed at how much better I feel.
You see, it all started this sunday actually. I had a lot on my mind as I went to the gardens on campus before church. While basking in the sun and reading my scriptures, I realized that I had been harboring a lot of resentment, hostility, and even enmity toward myself. And for some unearthly reason I decided to face this rancor at that moment. I walked around and found a secluded place amidst some trees. I knelt down and offered a supplication to the Lord that I can't even begin to divulge.
It wasn't the supplication however, that started this miracle. It was the answer: so peaceful and so amazing. I felt as though everything was going to be okay after that. Since then, I feel as though I have been a new person. I have found joy and happiness in little things as well as the big. I feel like I am a happy person again. What a miracle!

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