Today was interesting. Other than the fact that it's snowing and I am freezing, it is a rather good day. The past few weeks have been a real struggle. I have dealt with angry bosses, anal dance teachers and death. It's been weird to say the least. Nonetheless, today was good. Let me explain.
One of my clients today at work today was having a bad day. I tried to console her. In the middle of her tears she asked me, "why did He even put me here on Earth?" I realized she was talking about God. My heart broke a little for her. I realized that God was answering a prayer I had given earlier this morning. I had prayed for an opportunity to share my testimony with someone today. I wanted to make someone feel the love of God in their life.
I told her that she had helped me in my life. I reminded her that if anything, she was put on this Earth to help people like me have better days. Her smile is really all I need some days to get through work. I told her how important she was to me.
It makes me sad to think that there are people out there that wonder why they are here. I know that each of us is important in this world. I know that you and I are here to help one another. I know that we are here to get through trials so that we can become more like our Father in heaven. I am grateful for every person that has come through my life. My family. My friends. My associates. Even people who have hurt me. Why? Because they have made me who I am today. Sure, I don't exactly like who I am but I know that I am better today than I was yesterday and that has everything to do with the influences around me. Thank heaven for that! What a miracle!

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