Today was a normal day. I got up, ate my peanut butter toast and got off to work. Work was fine. Everything went as it always does. Then why did I feel so empty? I guess you just have days like that. Days where nothing on the outward has changed but inside is where the trouble lies. Its days like this that make me wonder if I will ever be normal again.
Putting that aside, I went on a date tonight that frankly was terrible. Now, I'm not here to rant about my love life-or lack thereof- but I thought I would mention it! Considering the past two weeks I got stood up 3 times, I should say at least he actually showed up! But after said terrible date, as I was walking home, I got time to think. Because I had felt so empty all day, I tried to keep my head up and enjoy my surroundings. It worked!
As I walked home I noticed how beautiful the trees were even though they are dead from the winter air. It was as though I was looking at this place for the first time. Sometimes I get so caught up in my own life that I don't stop to look at the beauty that surrounds me. Well, tonight I did just that and felt such a deep sense of gratitude. I am alive and well. I have a roof over my head. I have food to eat and people who love me. Life is good. What a miracle!
Also, today was Travis' birthday. A little shout out to him. He is such an amazing brother. I owe my entire dance career to him. Had it not been for him teaching me how to dance in our kitchen so many years ago, I might never have danced at all. I will never forget that night. Learning how to dance while having a thumb war. Thanks big bro.
I love you so much katie. Can't wait to see you! Latin club look out! And by the way I won that thumb war! You cheated!