Today started on an interesting foot. I didn't hear my alarm go off this morning so I booked it to my job and made it there a bit late. I didn't have time to take a shower so I probably smell like a rancid mess. We had to stock the store with all new girl clothes. It was a huge process and took forever.
After that I got my paycheck for the week and realized how lucky I was to have a job. It wasn't a huge paycheck but it's nice to know that I work hard for what I get in life. If I had to pick one of the biggest attributes I got from my mom it would be a strong work ethic. I love to work and work hard.
I decided when I was young that I would always work hard and never feel entitled to anything more than what I have earned. There is just something special about working hard and scraping to get by. It sucks sometimes but it feels so much better than having things given to you.
So today's miracle is the ability to work. I am so grateful not only for both of my jobs but for being able to work. What a miracle!
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