Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31st- The Miracle of a Safe Trip

March 31, 2014

So I have been away for a while! I know... Sorry! Everyday really has been a miracle though! I decided to take an early spring break to my home in California. While I was there much occurred! Including but not limited to: earthquakes, bar fights, drunk Guatemalans that can't keep there hands to themselves and LOTS of dancing.

Today on my way home I was able to reflect on the trip I had. I realized a lot of things. I don't show near enough gratitude to my Father in Heaven about my family. I feel so blessed to be a part of each and every one of their lives. They will never know the effect they have on me.

I was blessed today to have a safe trip back to Rexburg. That is a miracle in and of itself. What a miracle!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 15th- The Miracle of Some Jokes

March 15, 2014

Fridays are usually my favorite day because that is when I get to teach Latin dancing on campus. But I won't lie, the rest of the day yesterday was tough. It was my dad's birthday. He has been dead for a little over 2 years now. I don't know why I had such a tough day. Nevertheless, it was hard.

Waking up this morning I was hoping to feel a little bit better. My hopes were less than achieved this morning. On my way to work I was feeling pretty lousy. I called my mom and got to talk to my nephew Tristan and my brother Travis. Tristan had his first baseball game this morning and they told me all about it. Travis told me some jokes and lo and behold, I felt much better. Gee, I love my family. What a miracle!

viktor frankl quote, mans search for meaning

Friday, March 14, 2014

March 14th- The Miracle of a Good Talk

March 14, 2014

Today on my way to work I had the opportunity to listen to a talk given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. In the Mormon church we believe in Prophets and Apostles not just in the time of Christ, but today as well. We believe that God has called these men to help us today. Just like Moses, Abraham and so many others did in their day. Holland is one of the 12 Apostles of our day. Every 6 months our church gets together and watches a worldwide broadcast given by these men and some women in other leadership positions.

This talk that Holland gave is about belief and how it leads to faith. It is an amazing talk. I would recommend it to everyone to listen to. While I was listening to it, I just started feeling so much better about life. Its great to know that God still speaks to us today. Not just through the scriptures but through revelation. What a miracle!

This is the talk that I was talking about. It is SO good.

"Honestly acknowledge your questions and your concerns, but first and forever fan the flame of your faith, because all things are possible to them that believe."
-Jeffery R. Holland

Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13th- The Miracle of Keeping Busy

March 13, 2014

Today was a great day. I kept so busy all day so that was really nice. I worked at both jobs and felt like I was a chicken with my head cut off most of the day but I didn't mind it. I think I realized that I am kind of a bit of a workaholic. I get so busy and I love it. It helps me to forget about my problems in life. What a miracle!

Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12th- The Miracle of an Offered Seat

March 12, 2014

Today when I got to work it felt like it was going to be a good day. This morning I made the mistake of letting my roommate Darbi convince me to go to the gym with her. Today was leg day and as she explained, "friends don't let friends skip leg day." So I went. Now, Darbi is somewhat of a beast when it comes to the gym. So much, in fact, that she makes all us other girls want to go home and cry. She is that good. She pushed me so hard that I literally couldn't walk straight all day! My legs were so weak.

However, nothing feels as good as a good workout. When your body is pushed to the limit and you walk out of there knowing you just kicked some trash. Ya, that is nice. So when I got to work, I was stoked about life. Little did I know, we would be bowling. I love bowling so much, but the only thing I could think about was how much I wouldn't be sitting. The thought was terrible but justified. After 2 hours of nonstop helping clients bowl and taking them to the restroom I had not even had the chance to lean on a wall.

When the games were done the parents started coming to pick people up. One of my clients, the most chivalrous man I know, offered up a seat. It was the nicest thing ever. He had no idea that I was in such terrible pain, he was just trying to be nice. He achieved his goal. We could all do a little better about being nicer to others. I learn that everyday from my clients. I love them and consider each and every day with them a miracle. What a miracle!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11th- The Miracle of the Temple

March 11, 2014

Today was the kind of day that I love. I had no idle time. I woke up, went to work, went to an appointment then went to the temple. I only just got back and had some time to change. It has been a great day. I love to keep busy.

I realized today a lot of things. But the one I will mention now is about the love God has for me. Sometimes, in the deepest pits of depression I forget how much I am loved. Today was a great reminder for me as to how much I am loved.

I went to the temple and for any of you who don't know, the Mormon temple is a place where we are able to learn more about our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We are also able to learn more deeply about who we are, what our purpose is, and where we are going. Everytime I go to the temple, I learn something new. Today I was reminded that I am loved so much. Enough that a Man would send His Son to die for me. I guess I just always need that reminder. But who doesn't? I don't think I will ever be able to grasp the levity of such a sacrifice but I will try my whole life to. What a miracle!

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10th-The Miracle of Rain

March 10, 2014

Today was a pretty lazy day. I didn't have work and my roommate thought I was crazy because I put mayonnaise in my hair. She might be right about that but it really helps your hair. Just saying. Anyway, I didn't do much today but the miracle today happened while I was walking home from a "Family Home Evening" activity. Now, if you don't remember, we get put into "families" and every Monday we have a little spiritual thought and an activity. This week we did laser tag. I know, it was really fun.

So while I was walking home, it was raining. Now, in the movies, rain usually means there is something sad happening or something sexy is going to happen. In real life however, that is never the case. Rain for me, is so peaceful. I love everything about rain. The smell is so fresh and it sounds so peaceful. While I walked home I cant even express the blissful feeling that overcame me. It was great!

Then to top it all off, I got a call from my big brother Travis. No one can make me laugh like that guy. Hearing him and my mother banter back and forth brought back great memories of good times at home. I am so lucky to have such a dysfunctional family. In our inevitable mayhem we always seem to have a good time. Overall, it was a great day! What a miracle!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9th- The Miracle of a Walk

March 9, 2014

You know what I love to do? Walk. If I could I would just walk everywhere. Tonight I went on a walk and cleared my thoughts. It was really nice to be able to do that. Honestly, that was my miracle for today. Not much but a miracle nonetheless. What a miracle!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8th- The Miracle of a Compliment

March 8, 2014

Sometimes you get complimented by people and you think, "wow, that was completely fake." Tonight, I went on a date with a man who I felt was actually genuine. It made me feel really good about myself. I am very adamant about not seeking the approval of others for your own self worth but it was a nice feeling to feel appreciated and complimented genuinely.

You could argue that he was just saying that I looked nice because he wanted to get in my pants, but it felt genuine. And you know what? It doesn't matter if it had ill motives or not, I still felt a bit better about myself. So I think we should all give more genuine compliments to people. Not the fake kind that you say out of pity or necessity, but the kind that aren't needed. Who knows what kind of life you can effect? What a miracle!

None of us come to this earth to gain our worth;  we brought it with us.    -Sheri L. Dew

Friday, March 7, 2014

March 7th- The Miracle of Hard Work

March 7, 2014

Today started on an interesting foot. I didn't hear my alarm go off this morning so I booked it to my job and made it there a bit late. I didn't have time to take a shower so I probably smell like a rancid mess. We had to stock the store with all new girl clothes. It was a huge process and took forever.

After that I got my paycheck for the week and realized how lucky I was to have a job. It wasn't a huge paycheck but it's nice to know that I work hard for what I get in life. If I had to pick one of the biggest attributes I got from my mom it would be a strong work ethic. I love to work and work hard.

I decided when I was young that I would always work hard and never feel entitled to anything more than what I have earned. There is just something special about working hard and scraping to get by. It sucks sometimes but it feels so much better than having things given to you.

So today's miracle is the ability to work. I am so grateful not only for both of my jobs but for being able to work. What a miracle!

Inspirational Boxing Quotes

Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6th- The Miracle of Jimmy Johns

March 6, 2014

Today was kind of a stressful day. I had work and then a work meeting. I had no time to eat, let alone breathe. When I came home from my work meeting later tonight I noticed a bag in the fridge labeled "To Katie from a friend". Someone had sent me a sandwich just to be nice! Remember how I said the fastest way to my heart was to feed me or play with my hair? Well, I got fed again! Whoever you are good stranger, you are indeed a friend. What a miracle!

Need to remember this!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March 5th- The Miracle of a Walk

March 5, 2014

Today was a lazy day. I sat around and watched "How I Met Your Mother" for most of the day. I got a little stir crazy. As much as I love it for about 2 hours, I hate having nothing to do. So I went for a walk. Turns out it was really windy! Surprise!

In all actuality though, it was nice to just take a walk and listen to music. Music is very therapeutic for me. I forgot how much I loved to be by myself every once in a while. It was very nice. It was so nice, in fact, that I lost track of time and space and ended up in the middle of nowhere after being out for 3 hours already.

Don't worry though, I was able to find my way back with the help of the temple steeple. You are never lost when you can see the temple. I came home and was only mildly frozen. A great day nonetheless. What a miracle!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 4th- The Miracle of Reflection

March 4, 2014

Today was a normal day. I got up, ate my peanut butter toast and got off to work. Work was fine. Everything went as it always does. Then why did I feel so empty? I guess you just have days like that. Days where nothing on the outward has changed but inside is where the trouble lies. Its days like this that make me wonder if I will ever be normal again.

Putting that aside, I went on a date tonight that frankly was terrible. Now, I'm not here to rant about my love life-or lack thereof- but I thought I would mention it! Considering the past two weeks I got stood up 3 times, I should say at least he actually showed up! But after said terrible date, as I was walking home, I got time to think. Because I had felt so empty all day, I tried to keep my head up and enjoy my surroundings. It worked!

As I walked home I noticed how beautiful the trees were even though they are dead from the winter air. It was as though I was looking at this place for the first time. Sometimes I get so caught up in my own life that I don't stop to look at the beauty that surrounds me. Well, tonight I did just that and felt such a deep sense of gratitude. I am alive and well. I have a roof over my head. I have food to eat and people who love me. Life is good. What a miracle!

Also, today was Travis' birthday. A little shout out to him. He is such an amazing brother. I owe my entire dance career to him. Had it not been for him teaching me how to dance in our kitchen so many years ago, I might never have danced at all. I will never forget that night. Learning how to dance while having a thumb war. Thanks big bro.

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3rd- The Miracle of Love

March 3, 2014

I got to work today. I had a lot of fun with my clients. I got to take them to a special institute class that they have every week. For an hour they play games like sharks and minnows. Then for another hour they get to sit down and have a little spiritual class.

What I learned today from that class is, "Jesus loves Chris Brown". As hilarious as that statement is, it is completely true. These people are so special. They understand love in a way that I will never fathom. They love everyone no matter what.

We all could use a bit more of that kind of love in our lives today. It makes me want to love better. It makes me want to live better. What a miracle!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2nd- The Miracle of Being Alive

March 2, 2014

Did yesterday really happen? I woke up today and nothing was different. Then I went outside and saw my car. It did happen. My roommates think I'm in shock because of what happened. I don't think I agree with that. I just expected to feel better today.

My miracle today is that I am alive. If I was taught anything yesterday, it was that life is so precious. I held a person's life in my hands and felt the weight of it. I didn't know who this person was. I didn't know what they had done in their life but I knew that they were important. How could I have been so selfish and blind as to think that I was any different?

There are and will be times in my life when I feel unimportant, cheap and worthless. This experience will forever be ingrained in my mind as a reminder that every life is worth saving. Even my own. People keep telling me how special I am. I don't feel that. I feel like any one of you would have done the same thing had you been in my position. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. And I just happened to be alive and well. What a miracle!


Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1st- The Miracle of a Few Seconds

March 1, 2014

I have never felt so lucky in my life. This morning I was headed to Idaho Falls to open the store at my other job. I woke up to just a little snow. On my way to work however, the visibility was pretty bad. I could only see about 10 feet in front of me so I was cautious but not cautious enough.

While pondering the meaning of life out of the fog I see a big black Sedan flip off the road into the middle divider. The car nearly missed me doing three or four flips on the road. I slowed down as well as I could only to see 5 cars literally piled on top of one another in what can only be described as a heap of crushed metal and debris.

I slid to a stop nearly missing the wreckage and tried to gain my composure. While sitting there in shock at what I was staring at a car trying to stop swerved into my passenger side door and hit me knocking my mirror off. I didn't feel much. It felt like I was back at an amusement park playing with the bumper cars and someone intentionally ran into me. I saw the car that had just hit me over correct than book it out of there. I pulled to the side of the road and got out of my car to asses the damage when I heard screaming. I looked over into the pile of metal and realized there had been people in there.

I ran over and found a woman trapped in her car being choked by her seatbelt hanging upside down. Her head was bleeding and her face was turning purple. Thinking on my toes I told her to look the other way. As she obliged, I took my heel and drove it into the window. I was so grateful that I wore my high heeled boots today. The window shattered and I gave all my strength to lift her up enough to take her seatbelt off and get her out of the car. By the time I was pulling her out of the car her body went limp and people started coming over helping the others in the other cars.

She wasn't breathing and her face was purple. I covered her in my coat and started performing CPR. After a couple of turns she started breathing again and I turned her to her side. The ambulance came and got her into a stretcher and said she would be fine.

They found the other bodies in the other cars and they were fine as well. After a brief check of how I was doing, they sent me on my way and closed the highway. As I headed to work I was so shaken. I couldn't bring myself to go anything above 60 miles an hour. When I got to work I realized that I hadn't even looked at the damage done to my car. The passenger side door is jammed in and the mirror is off but it could have been much worse.

I can't believe how lucky I am. Had I been seconds earlier, I could have been seriously injured if not worse. We are truly taken care of every minute of everyday. What a miracle!

"I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream." - Van Gogh --- which is why my one and only tattoo is of a shooting star!