You know how it is easier to give advice than to take it? Why is that?!
Tonight my roommate was going through a hard time. She, like most girls these days, struggles with self esteem issues. She has an amazing boyfriend who treats her right, she is beautiful (I mean GORGEOUS) and can make anyone feel welcome and important. Yet, day after day I hear her tear herself down. She looks in the mirror and doesn't see her worth. You know why? Because your worth isn't found in the man in the mirror -Sorry Michael- It's found in your soul.
Beginning rant now: The problem with women today is that we see all these "people" who look a certain way or dress a certain way. They are idolized. From the moment we get our first Barbie to the checkout stand in a grocery store we are bombarded with images of a fake sense of "worth". Who needs that kinda negativity in their life? To live up to the God awful standard of being able to see your ribcage or a stupid gap between those "skinny jeans" is UNATTAINABLE. Being 5'10 and 95 lbs isn't sexy, stunning or glamorous. It's unhealthy! Freaking build a cake and eat it too! Marilyn Monroe was a size 11. She was sexy! You know what girls think at a size 11 today? Fatty. Fat McFatterson. I might as well join a Faternity cause I am so Fat. There is a difference from being healthy and unhealthy. But don't beat yourself up because you don't live up to some stupid standard the world has set. They suck anyway. Food is WAY too good to skip out on. But... the opposite is true as well. We need moderation and balance in all things. So don't blame me if you fall of the anorexia wagon and splash into a pool of diabetes and obesity. That isn't where I am going with this.
Okay, rant over... ish. My roommate is so pretty, but that doesn't matter. When you judge a person's worth, do you judge them by the way they look or dress? (if you said yes, *facepalm* leave.) No! You judge them based on their character. What they value. That is what can make a person either pretty, or pretty ugly to me.
This is more or less what I explained to my roommate tonight. She wasn't cutting herself enough slack. The grudges we hold in our hearts are only held by us. The moment we let them go, we are free. Free from ourselves, and free from our guilt.
Talking to her helped me gain a sense of clarity for myself. It also helped me feel needed and important. It may not have helped her, but for me it was a miracle. What a miracle!
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