Today I realized something. We are much greater than the things that hold us back. Let me explain. For the past while I have considered myself a rather "carnal" person. I truly believed that as a woman, all I was good for was making babies and taking care of them. Can you blame me? I know that I have talked a lot about how women are attacked in social media, but this is a real problem.
The things that have held me back as a person have been the things that the world has driven into my mind. The idea of being "sexy" and how important that is for a woman. If you are reserved in nature then you aren't as fun. What has this created? A society of crass, dirty and outlandish women that have a voice no doubt, but a bad one. I don't know one woman that doesn't want to be loved or respected. I also don't know one woman who doesn't use her body or sex appeal to try to be loved or respected. Do you see the problem that is? I sure do.
We women have beautiful bodies that, if used right can be well respected and cherished. Rather than lusted after and disregarded after a few years. The way we use our bodies can be subtle. We wear something tight, low or even high. I am the first to admit that I dress to look sexy. I like guys to think that I am attractive. But what I and lots of other women in the world have failed to realize is that the way we present ourselves comes with a price.
Imagine a woman dressed in a short skirt and a low revealing top. She is attractive. Do you initially respect her? Odds are you don't. Why? She doesn't respect herself enough to dress appropriately. There is a time and a place for everything. Dressing sexy is for times that you want to have sex. It is the means by which we entice feelings of sexuality. What kind of man is going to respect you if all he can think about when he looks at you is doing you?
So what I have realized today is that I need to take a serious introspection of what I am voicing to the world everyday by my attire and attitude. Because you and I are better than that. We are more than just objects to be flaunted. We have character, strength and real beauty. What a Miracle!
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