Today wasn't the greatest of days but the silver lining was going to work. While I was at work one of my clients called me beautiful. Do you ever have those days where you just know that you look like trash? Nothing can help you feel better on those days. No amount of makeup or speciality of clothes will help you. But when my client called me beautiful it was so genuine and it made me feel special.
If that wasn't enough of a confidence booster, about an hour later another client called me silly and another client defended me saying, "No she isn't! She is beautiful!" It was so sweet. It made me feel even more special. If only they knew the effect they have on my day. If only we all knew the effect we have on other people's day. I think if we did, we would be a bit kinder and a bit more understanding. I think we all could try a little harder to be someone's miracle today and everyday. What a miracle!
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