Well, today was an interesting day. I worked all day, so that was nice. After work, I decided to go grocery shopping because well, I was foodless and hungry. Which, by the way, is never a good idea. No one should ever go shopping while they are hungry.
While I was at the Market, I was strolling down aisles and not paying much attention to anything around me. I had been intent on checking the labels of everything I purchased so that I would be eating healthier. As I was putting something back, I dropped it and a bunch of it's friends with it on the floor. Before I knew it, an older gentleman crouched down and began picking them up for me. This should seem like not that big of a deal right? Sure. It was the statement of justification afterward that was the most intriguing thing. "No lady should have to bend down to lift something so heavy. Not when a man is present".
Okay all you feminist extremist, close your ears. It's not he didn't think I could lift it- it wasn't that heavy- it was the fact that he respected me enough to do it for me. Where have men like this gone? I have met some fine men in my day who would surely open a door for any woman but they seem so few and far between. When I investigated deeper to this issue I came across a website entitled, "The Art of Manliness". This website is amazing and says a lot about how to respect a woman. It also says a lot about how men should be respected as well, which I appreciated.
To the gentleman who treated me like a lady, thank you for being a man. I hope that there are more of men like you out there. What a miracle!
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