Empty. Hollow. Useless. Inutile. Expendable. That is how I would describe my feelings of today. As hard as I tried to just square up my shoulders and put a smile on I still felt nothing. I felt as though I was just an object today. Just a lifeless body wasting space. I went to work. Went through the motions. Kept myself busy. Tried to forget. I even made one of my clients smile today who never smiles. I still felt empty.
My miracle for today is that I survived. I held on to what shred of hope I have left of tomorrow being a better day. If anything else, I can hope that tomorrow will be different. That my emotions wont envelop me yet again. I don't know how or where that hope comes from sometimes but I know it's there. I wouldn't be here if it weren't. What a miracle!
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