I keep thinking something is wrong with me. I keep going to the doctors and they tell me the medication they have me on isn't working. I hate taking it. It makes me feel weak and dependent. I just wanna be happy again. Is that so much to ask? Well, they changed my medication again so we will see how this one goes.
You know, it's easy to just put on a face and create the facade that everything is great. The hard part is at the end of the day when you're left alone to the reality that it isn't great. I look at others and I see happiness shining through their eyes. I want that. I see people who have it so much worse than I and yet I still find myself self-loathing and dreadfully unhappy. There must be something wrong with me. How can I have so much to be grateful for and still feel so empty inside?
Well, I guess you can tell that today isn't the best day. However, amidst my bad days I can still find a miracle. Today I was able to buy groceries. After budgeting I found that I had enough for a decent amount of food. What a Miracle!
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